April 21, 2016
We love hearing from our graduates! December 2015 graduate Albert Tierney has been teaching at Hermosa Valley School in Santa Teresa since graduating. Here’s what Albert has to say about his experience so far:
“I teach English in grades 1-5, alongside a couple of Physical Education classes at Hermosa Valley School in beautiful Santa Teresa, Costa Rica. The climate right now is in the dry season, or summer. It is very hot during the day but at night it gets cooler. The school is in a smaller town with some tourism but is a really relaxed environment. I have taken up surfing since arriving in Costa Rica and the beaches in this area are known for having some of the best surfing in the country. I also enjoy relaxing on the beach with a book to read and watching the beautiful sunset. There are lots of restaurants and bars in Santa Teresa which I am excited to explore, and I plan on getting to know neighboring places like Montezuma and Mal Pais.
Costa Rica TEFL’s communicative approach has really helped my classroom to be a fun and interactive environment. My experiences in the classroom with TEFL gave me a lot of material and ideas to use during my preparation for different activities to teach English. My students (and I!) enjoy the variety of games and tools, which keep learning exciting and students engaged. Thanks to Costa Rica TEFL, I’m able to live in an awesome place while helping people!”