Hello from Samara!
We are so excited for Monday and our May 30th session to begin, lot’s of great new future teachers to meet!
Also, Ms. Julia Francis is back from her England-to-Jamaica-back-to-England travels! We can’t wait to hear about her trip and get her back in the classroom.
Sadly we are also saying goodbye to Lindsay Hartfiel, our amazing and incredible Administrative Coordinator; she’ll be headed back to the United States in June. Thank you so much for your hard work and positive attitude, yours certainly are big shoes to fill!!
Which leads us to a warm welcome to Ariele Rosch, our new Administrative Coordinator who is trying very hard to fill those shoes. Ariele is here in Samara by way of the big apple and she couldn’t be more excited about living in this wonderful, quiet beach town. She graduated from Costa Rica TEFL in May, so she is an expert on the course, feel free to ask her any question imaginable! info@costaricatefl.com
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, we’ll update with more news next week! Hasta luego!