June 8th, 2018
A healthy mind breeds a healthy body–and vice versa! No one understands this better than Albert Tierney.
A dedicated teacher, Albert is completing his third year at Hermosa Valley School in Playa Santa Teresa, Costa Rica. This year he is teaching first and second grade English, as well as Physical Education.
A passionate athlete, Albert shares his penchant for exercise with the rest of the community. He devotes his free to giving fitness classes to local adults, usually parents of the school and people visiting in the area. But the movement doesn’t stop there!
“I play on a soccer team with my friends and the locals at least once a week. Coming from an athletic background, I learned how to surf and since living here have become very passionate about it. Any chance I get, I always try to get in the ocean as it is minutes away from where I am living. I also have my own dirt bike and I occasionally go on weekend tours with my friends discovering the peninsula and truly getting the local experience.”
Since graduating in 2015, this adventurous TEFL teacher has visited Nicaragua, Guatemala, Belize, Mexico, Ecuador, and Peru. However, he still appreciates the diversity of Costa Rica, and the endless wonders it supplies. “I have learned about how small but diverse this beautiful country is and am enjoying every minute of this paradise. My initial plan was to stay here a short period of time but living here has been an incredible experience.”
One can’t help but notice how much Albert personally cares for his students when he speaks of his classroom. “My favorite teaching moment has been the pure love you get from your students as you continue to help them learn and grow. Being a teacher, you are truly a big part of their lives and whatever you portray your students will reflect that.”
Albert explains how his time in TEFL continues to influence his teaching style. “Costa Rica TEFL has prepared me with new and useful teaching styles using the communicative approach. I find working with children you must use activities and be creative with your lessons plans. Kids have a short attention span so whatever way you can get their attention, the more they will learn!”
Despite his consistent community involvement, Albert divulges that one of the best aspects of traveling has been the alone-time he gets. He conveys his point of view, “My whole life I have always been surrounded by people, growing up, going to university, working. When travelling by yourself you get to spend some serious alone time whilst meeting some awesome people. These people have interesting world views and it changes your perspective of the world. For those of you looking for a change or thinking about travelling, it is a must-do experience in life.”
Follow Albert Tierney on Instagram @knowingalbert for great photos and travel inspiration.
Thank you, Albert, for serving as an exemplary model of what a teacher can become! We can’t wait for further updates!